I give this speech as part of Raise Our Voice Australia’s Youth Voice in Parliament project.

‘Dear members of the 46th Parliament of Australia, my name is Anthony Baltatzis, a 16-year-old studying in the electorate of Jagajaga. Today I would like to address the issue of improving the currently overburdened mental health care system in Australia. In light of COVID-19 lockdowns, the number of people requiring mental health support has severely increased, and it scares me about what the future holds if the current system is left to neglect. My vision for the next 20 years involves an expansion of the public healthcare system, Medicare, to treat mental health care in the same manner as physical health care. Presently, Australia has a major scarcity of mental health professionals, which is growing as many psychologists and psychiatrists are beginning to retire. Hence, more funding needs to be implemented to educate the upcoming generation in this field. I would also like to see an adult version of Kids Helpline be subsidised by the federal government, given that Medicare currently limits free psychology services to 10 sessions. Australia should also increase its funding and support for carers of those with a disability or mental illness, given that they are disproportionately coming from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds. In essence, the current mental health care system needs a dire overhaul. I propose that Medicare should be expanded to treat mental illnesses as being as important as physical illnesses. If we don’t act now, a failed mental health system means a failed economy and society. Thanks for listening’.

Thanks, Anthony, for delivering that speech.

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