I move:


That so much of the standing orders be suspended as would prevent the Member for Jagajaga from moving the following motion immediately—

That the House:

(1) notes:

(a) the Member for Bowman is not fit to be a member of this Parliament;

(b) despite this, he remains as Chair of the Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training, which delivers him an additional $23,000 a year on top of his salary;

(c) allowing the Member for Bowman to remain as Chair of this committee is an insult to stakeholders who value its work; and

(d) the Prime Minister’s refusal to act is a shocking failure of leadership; and

(2) therefore, calls on the Acting Prime Minister to discharge the Member for Bowman from the Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training immediately.


The Prime Minister and the Acting Prime Minister are ignoring the voices of numerous women in the member for Bowman’s electorate. What does that say about leadership in this place? What does that say about the standards we accept?

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