Peter Dutton’s plans to power Australia using nuclear power – simply doesn’t add up.

If you want to join our campaign or are opposed to Dutton’s risky reactors, then sign up.

Nuclear is too expensive, too slow to build and too risky.

Experts agree Peter Dutton’s plan would have an impact on Australians through higher prices, because single dollar of their more than $600 billion of expenditure would come from the taxpayer.

Peter Dutton’s nuclear plan will see Australians paying more for their power bills and taxes – not less. 

If elected Prime Minister, Peter Dutton would gamble our economic and energy security with a bet on risky and expensive nuclear reactors.

But Mr Dutton’s announcement left more questions than answers, hiding details on how much bills and taxes would rise, and on the size of their seven risky reactors.

Australia needs to invest in new forms of energy now, to keep the lights on and to push power bills down – there is simply not time to wait to build new nuclear power stations.

And nuclear would be more expensive than renewables and coal and gas – meaning Aussies paying more in their power bills and taxes!

For nearly a decade, the former Liberal National Government’s mismanagement of our energy policy has been a threat to our economy.

We can’t afford another wasted decade.

Sign my petition to tell Peter Dutton that his nuclear power scheme is the wrong choice for Australia.
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